Hadash on the attempted impeachment of MK Kasif

This is the realization of the regime coup and the elimination of the democratic space
Communist Party of Israel (Maki) 9 January 2024

70 signatures of Knesset members were obtained yesterday (Monday) to start the impeachment process of MK Ofer Kasif (Hadash), who signed a petition supporting South Africa's petition at the International Court of Justice in The Hague against the war in Gaza. This is the first step for impeachment, now the Knesset Committee must convene and at the meeting they are supposed to present legal opinions on the matter, and a majority of three quarters of the members of the committee is required in order to approve the request for impeachment. The plenary must then vote with a majority of 90. The expelled Knesset member may appeal the decision to the Supreme Court. Among all Knesset factions, only members of three factions in the Knesset did not sign the impeachment procedure at all: Hadash-Ta'al, Ra'am and Avoda.

Hadash responded last night to the attempted impeachment of MK Kasif: "The impeachment attempt is the realization of the regime coup and the elimination of the democratic space." Kassif said in response that "while those who explicitly call for transfer, for the destruction of Gaza by fire or atomic bomb, for starving its residents and beating them with diseases sit around the government table, I, who call for an end to all bloodshed and an end to the war in order to save the abductees, the soldiers and the innocent residents of Gaza, face expulsion from the Knesset With the unfounded accusation of 'supporting an armed struggle against the State of Israel', which the legal advisor to the Knesset also rejects. I will not be subdued! I will persevere in my fight for peace, equality and social justice despite the nose and anger of those who seek to shut my mouth."

It should be noted that approximately 700 Israeli citizens, including MK Kasif, expressed support for the lawsuit filed by South Africa that Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip. In a petition that is expected to be delivered to the court near the beginning of the hearings this Thursday, it is written, among other things: "The materials that emerge from the lawsuit are horrific and credible . Israel is indeed taking systematic and thorough steps to wipe out the population of Gaza, starve it, abuse it and displace it. It implements a policy of erasing life possibilities, and which leads to genocide. It systematically kills broad strata of the population, leading academics,

"In light of the above, we wish to add our voice as citizens of Israel to the claims made in the statement of claim submitted by South Africa to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, in the hope that our voice will help to reach a decision that will bring an immediate end to the war." MK Kasif explained: "My constitutional duty is to Israeli society and all its residents, not to a government whose members and its coalition are calling for ethnic cleansing and even actual genocide. They are the ones who hurt the country and the people, they are the ones who led South Africa to turn to The Hague, not me and my friends."

He also wrote: "When the government acts against society, the state and its citizens, especially when it sacrifices them and commits crimes in their name on the altar of maintaining its own existence, it is my right and even my duty to warn about this and do everything I can within the law to stop it. I will not give up the fight for our existence As a moral society. This is true patriotism - not revenge wars and calls for extermination, not unnecessary bloodshed, and not sacrificing kidnapped citizens and soldiers in false wars."

450 Israeli citizens expressed support for DRAP's lawsuit at the International Court of Justice
Communist Party of Israel (Maki) 8 January 2024

More than 450 Israeli citizens, including Knesset member Ofer Kasif (Hadash-Ta'al), will turn to the International Court of Justice in The Hague to express support for the lawsuit filed by South Africa that Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip. In the petition that is expected to be delivered to the tribunal near the beginning of the hearings this coming Thursday, it is written, among other things: "The materials that emerge from the lawsuit are horrific and credible. Israel is indeed taking systematic and thorough steps to wipe out the population of Gaza, to starve it, to abuse it and to displace it. It implements a policy of wiping out livelihood options, and which leads to genocide. It systematically kills broad strata of the population, leading academics, writers, doctors, medical staff, journalists and ordinary citizens."

"In light of the above, we wish to add our voice as citizens of Israel to the claims made in the statement of claim submitted by South Africa to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, in the hope that our voice will help to reach a decision that will bring an immediate end to the war." MK Kasif tweeted last night and explained: "My constitutional duty is to Israeli society and all its residents, not to a government whose members and its coalition are calling for ethnic cleansing and even actual genocide." They are the ones who hurt the country and the people, they are the ones who led South Africa to turn to The Hague, not me and my friends."

He also wrote: "When the government acts against society, the state and its citizens, especially when it sacrifices them and commits crimes in their name on the altar of maintaining its own existence, it is my right and even my duty to warn about this and do everything I can within the law to stop it. I will not give up the fight for our existence As a moral society. This is true patriotism - not revenge wars and calls for extermination, not unnecessary bloodshed, and not sacrificing kidnapped citizens and soldiers in false wars."

The chairman of the Israel Beitenu faction, MK Oded Porer, said this morning that he began collecting 70 signatures from members of each faction in order to get MK Kasif removed from the Knesset following his signature on the petition. The Basic Law of the Knesset states that the Knesset may, with a majority of 90 members of the Knesset , to decide to terminate the membership of a member of the Knesset if it was determined that, after the election of that Knesset, he had supported "an armed struggle of an enemy state or a terrorist organization against the State of Israel." The law states that after collecting signatures from 70 members of the Knesset that will be submitted to the Knesset committee, The impeachment procedure, at the end of which 90 members of the Knesset will have to vote on the impeachment of MK Kasif, can begin. It should be noted that MK Kasif did not express support for an armed struggle or a terrorist organization.

In the meantime, the Bolivian government announced tonight its support for the lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, other countries that have already announced their


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