Brazil: Education workers rise up against the destruction of public schools

Internationalist Communist Organization (Paraná) 25 May 2024

The Ratinho Júnior government (PSD/PR) intends to hand over the administration of public schools in Paraná to the private sector through the “Public School Partner” program. The proposal is not new. There are already two schools in the state operating in this format and the government frequently advertises the model that it now intends to implement in another 200 schools in Paraná, aiming, in the future, to generalize the model to all public schools in the State. A bill on the topic should be sent to the Legislative Assembly (Alep) very soon.

The “Public School Partner” program aims to deliver a generous part of the public budget to private companies to manage public schools in the state. Private companies, in addition to managing school administration, will have the prerogative to hire teachers and employees who can be dismissed at any time. Making the already precarious working relationships of temporary workers (PSS) much worse, who may be hired as MEI, with a salary reduction and no guarantee of working hours.

All these maneuvers will further divide the category, creating different types of contracts, aiming, in the long term, to eliminate teachers, employees and public servants with stability, premium leave and the right to unionize, increasingly deepening the destruction of public schools, a large vein to be explored by capitalism.

WHAT DOES THE MANAGEMENT OF APP-SINDICATO DO? The management of the APP-union, in the last period, has increasingly acted to demobilize the category and the struggles of workers in education, as in the case of outsourcing school employees, in the fight for the repeal of the New Secondary Education and the category base date. This is due to the class conciliation policy of the union leadership, which seeks to convince the category that attacks by the state government are inevitable and there is not much that can be done. They argue that the “category is not moving”, “that the category has not recovered from the last strike”, that “this is not the time”, among other fallacies. However, it was the union leadership that replaced in-person assemblies with online assemblies; exchanged strikes, strikes and street protests for “application strikes” and “tweets” on social media; Not even historical dates for the category such as April 29th, May 1st and August 30th are used to launch the category. In view of this, the state government understands the policy of the

APP-union leadership and feels free to move forward with the destruction of public schools and the massacre of educators on the school floor.

Now, after blocking the strike scheduled for May 22nd, after spending the entire last period committed to demobilizing the category, faced with the imminent sending of the proposal to Alep, it hastily convenes an online assembly to decide the steps for the category fight.

WHICH WAY? We defend that education workers in the state of Paraná must go on strike! There is no other way forward in the face of this proposal that aims to destroy public schools.

The state of Paraná frequently serves as a pilot model for proposals to destroy public schools that are later generalized to other states. The most recent example is the civic-military schools project, implemented in Paraná by Renato Feder, former secretary of education, who is now taking the model to the state of São Paulo. This battle that must be faced by education workers in Paraná must gain a national character. It's not a localized fight! The approval of this aberration in the state of Paraná will open the conditions for other states to adopt the same policy. For this reason, a national campaign against the destruction of public schools involving the CNTE, CUT, UNE, Ubes, Andes and other working class entities must be launched immediately!

The destruction of public schools is advancing at a rapid pace with the NEM, civic-military schools, precarious working conditions, increased work intensity on the school floor, lack of public competitions, insertion of all types of applications and digital platforms, EAD and now, the handover of schools to the private sector. There are plenty of reasons to trigger a strike.

However, the fight against the privatization of public education must be articulated and accompanied by the fight against salary squeeze, by replacing salaries in line with inflation, according to the Base Date! May the State and the deadbeat government of Ratinho Jr pay what it owes to the workers and immediately remove their hands from the public schools of Paraná!


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