Thousands demonstrated against the right-wing government in Jerusalem; Calls for a general strike on Sunday

The Communist Party of Israel 5 July 2024

Thousands demonstrated last night (Thursday) against the right-wing government near the Prime Minister's residence on Gaza Street in Jerusalem. At the demonstration, Prof. Shakma Bressler spoke, saying: "The separatist zealots are deliberately promoting war, and the man whose home is afraid of his personal fate, sabotages the deal in the name of a 'security factor', the separatist kahanists want a war of Gog and Magog and Netanyahu is serving it to them; and the abductees? And the soldiers? They are the silver platter ".

"We are here because two-thirds of the people understand that Netanyahu is not qualified to lead us. Not in normal times and certainly not in an emergency. We are here because as long as the government is in the hands of fanatical nationalist and racist kahnists, the abductees will not return, the north will not be restored and we will not defeat our enemies," she added.

Ahead of the demonstration, Kaplan said: "The lawlessness in the north and the attempts to sabotage the kidnapping deal highlight the need to elect a new leadership for the State of Israel. Over two-thirds of Israelis want the prime minister to retire from public life. The people have lost faith in the government and its leader, who brought about the greatest disaster in the country's history." "Netanyahu is Mr. Abandonment. The demonstrations against him are the key to removing him from public life and saving Israel from the danger of continuing his rule. There will be no restoration and there will be no revival as long as Netanyahu is in power. We will protest against him until he falls."

At the same time as the demonstration in Jerusalem, they protested in Tel Aviv in front of Shaar Begin in Karia. The relatives of the abductees together with activists against the coup blocked Derech Begin and called for a "deal now" and the impeachment of Netanyahu. Also, demonstrators waved banners against the war in Gaza. Yesterday morning, demonstrators against the Netanyahu government blocked Highway 4 in the Even Yehuda area and burned tires on the road. In addition, a protest was held outside the home of Education Minister Yoav Kish in Hod Hasharon.

Also, protesters blocked Ayalon North near the Arlozorov interchange for about 20 minutes. Among the protesters are Yifat Kalderon, the cousin of the kidnapped Ofer Kalderon, and Vayal Or, the cousin of Dror Or whose body is being held by Hamas. The police filed traffic reports for four protesters, including Calderon and Or. A few minutes later, protesters blocked Ayalon Darom in the KKL-Interchange area, demanding a general strike until elections are announced. The demonstrators carried signs with the inscription "Enough with the government of destruction".

The protesters said that "the abductees have been languishing in captivity in Gaza for nine months, the north is devastated, abandoned and shelled, the economy is collapsing, the international isolation is increasing, and the Israeli government continues to worry about its political survival at the expense of the citizens of Israel. We must stop the neglect. Israel needs a responsible and sane government that will guarantee a good future More for the State of Israel. We are calling for a general strike in the economy until elections are announced."

Demonstrations and rallies are expected in 80 locations across the country, including all major cities, and on Sunday, the "Day of Disruption and Resistance", nine months to October 7. The protestors are calling for the early elections, a deal to release hostages and an end to the war.

The protest organizations planned that the Histadrut would announce a general strike within the framework of today - but the Histadrut chairman is unable to act to overthrow the right-wing government. They demonstrated during the week in front of Bar-David's house and at the Histadrut headquarters in Tel Aviv. At the headquarters of the struggle, they called on employers to allow their workers to join the struggle on Sunday. On the same day, there will be marches towards the Histadrut from around Tel Aviv and at 5:30 p.m. a rally will be held in front of the Executive Committee on Arlozorov Street. In the evening, the organizers are planning several protest marches in two central cities - Tel Aviv and Jerusalem Kidnapped families In Jerusalem, the protesters will gather at 19:00 in Agrant Square, in preparation for a march that will leave at around 19:30 to gather in Paris Square, near the Prime Minister Netanyahu's residence on Gaza Street.

The active lecturers of the academic headquarters established against the coup d'état will also join the day of disruption and there will be no classes at a number of higher education institutions. The organizers, who are calling on a million people to take to the streets and stop the country, are planning a series of protest actions starting from morning until noon, the protestors will try to disrupt the movement of vehicles on central roads by blockades and protest convoys that will leave from several centers in the country. In the afternoon, the demonstrations will focus on nine major intersections across the country.


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