Brazil: Opposition Unites To Demand Bolsonaro's Impeachment

Telesur English 23 April 2021

Political parties joined forces after Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco ruled out opening a judicial process against the Brazilian President last week.

Leaders of nine opposition parties on Friday will join forces in a virtual meeting to demand the impeachment of Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro.

Besides unifying impeachment requests dismissed by Congress, they will discuss ways to mobilize a campaign to remove him from office.

The virtual meeting was convened by the Workers' Party (PT), the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), Popular Unity (UP), Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL), Sustainability Network (REDE), Green Party (PV), Democratic Labor Party (PTB), Citizenship Party (Cidadania), and the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB).

They joined forces after Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco ruled out opening a judicial process against Bolsonaro last week.

"This is not the time to discuss an impeachment in Brazil,", Pacheco said, alluding to the latest recent request promoted against Bolsonaro for his negligence in managing the pandemic.

Nevertheless, the Senate president announced the creation of a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) on the government's health policies.

In 2020, social movements and organizations, health authorities and even right-wing political parties filed 105 impeachment petitions against Bolsonaro.

According to national polls, 54 percent of Brazilians disapprove of his mandate. The rejection rate was 37 percent in January 2021.


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