Over 200 Brazilian Cities Rise Up Against "Genocidal" Bolsonaro

TeleSur English 30 May 2021

Brazilians on Saturday have taken the streets to protest against the chaos created by President Jair Bolsonaro's mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Demonstrators were calming actions against the responsible for over 459.000 Brazilian lives taken by COVID-19 and the recklessness of their President.

Currently, Bolsonaro is under investigation by a Senatorial Commission, which has to evaluate his COVID-19 policies and actions like touted unproven drugs and pressured local officials to prevent health restrictions.

This investigation may lead to an impeachment, which is highly unlikely to happen since Congress is one of the most right-orientated in years, therefore, it would not pass any motion against the right-wing President.

People on the streets were asking for more vaccines, better public health, free public educations, and so on, but the common denominator throughout the country was the phrase "Bolsonaro out".

Despite international calls from neighboring countries, the World Health Organization (WHO), and his own people, Bolsonaro keeps fighting against any health restrictions to stop COVID-19 spread.

“With no scientific proof, governors and mayors have imposed confinement or curfews (...) We are ready to take all the measures necessary to guarantee your freedom,” said Bolsonaro on May 23 during a motorcycle rally in Rio de Janeiro.

As of Saturday morning, Brazil had reported almost 16.4 million COVID-19 cases and 459.171 related deaths.


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